Fiberglass Camper Renovation

Please join me on the 1996 Casita Spirit Deluxe Renovation journey

  • 1 Found a Camper!

    1 Found a Camper!

    Molded fiberglass campers typically have only one seam, the “belly band” which makes them particularly water-resistant. They are super lightweight and could be towed by my 4WD Honda Pilot. And with the gel coat finish, they are rust resistant and easier to clean. Now to find one.  There are a number of manufacturers – Scamp,… Read more

  • 2 Assessing the Damage

    2 Assessing the Damage

    It was apparent that the water came in via the door area. The door itself was warped and would need to be replaced. The biggest job, however, would be replacing the floor. The Casita has the molded fiberglass bottom, then a middle layer of plywood with carpeting on top. The plywood was soaking wet and… Read more

  • 3 Let’s Gut It!

    3 Let’s Gut It!

    In order to replace the floor of the camper, everything needed to come out. As we went, it was interesting to learn how it was assembled in the first place. Casita used rivets in attaching cabinets, walls, etc. I imagine that was a good way to cut costs by having one person doing the assembly.… Read more

  • 4 New Door and Re-seal the windows

    4 New Door and Re-seal the windows

    The warped door was letting in the rain. But I wanted to see where other leaks may be. We used the hose on the outside of the camper, and sure enough, two of the windows were letting in water. We pulled out the windows, applied new butyl tape, and re-installed. Then we used liquid flash… Read more

  • 5 Removing Three Vents and Fun with Fiberglass

    5 Removing Three Vents and Fun with Fiberglass

    As part of the “Stop the Leaking” initiative, I learned to do fiberglass patching. Through a great post on the fiberglass camper forum and some YouTube videos, I learned enough to get it done. This is my favorite new skill! Next to the door were two vents for the refrigerator. The original fridge was a… Read more

  • 6 A New Floor

    6 A New Floor

    There is a lot of wisdom in the online forums about the best solutions to replace the plywood layer of the floor. My carpenter friend Tim recommended using a PVC trim board that would not rot if it ever got wet. I purchased 3/4″ Kleer 4×8 boards that he cut to fit the camper floor… Read more